The Lumberton Area Chamber Image Committee Meet the members of your Chamber's Image Committee who are working every day to broadcast ALL THE GOOD in Robeson County. Read all about it by liking our Facebook page, TRENDING IN ROBESON. Members from left to right are Jason King, Linda Branch, Mac Malloy, Monica Pevia, Cindy Kern, Allen Elks, Mickey Gregory, Linda Scoggins, Lisa Hunt, Suzanne Abbott, Chair and Emily Jones. (Not pictured is Sarah Beth Ward, City of Lumberton liaison). This Committee meets monthly and most recently toured the UNCP Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub and heard from speakers Beth Wilkerson and Channing Jones. Many ideas were exchanged on ways to increase and broadcast positive information on our County. TRENDING IN ROBESON is a tool every business can use to promote Lumberton to prospective employees, businesses, home buyers, visitors, etc.